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Publisher: KidKiddos Books Ltd

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ጥርሴን መፋቅ እወዳለሁ (Amharic Only) - I Love to Brush My Teeth (Amharic Only)

Shelley Admont

Под Ѕвездите (Macedonian Only) - Under the Stars (Macedonian Only)

Sam Sagolski

Сакам да Јадам Овошје и Зеленчук (Macedonian Only) - I Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables (Macedonian Only)

Shelley Admont

Goodnight My Love! (English Only) - Goodnight My Love! (English Only)

Shelley Admont

ተጓዡ አባጨጓሬ (Amharic Only) - The traveling Caterpillar (Amharic Only)

Rayne Coshav

Më pëlqen të ha fruta dhe perime (Albanian Only) - I Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables (Albanian Only)

Shelley Admont

Let’s Play Mom! (English Only) - Let’s Play Mom! (English Only)

Shelley Admont

I Love to Keep My Room Clean (English Only) - I Love to Keep My Room Clean (English Only)

Shelley Admont

Natën e mirë i dashuri im! (Albanian Only) - Goodnight My Love! (Albanian Only)

Shelley Admont

ደህና እደር የኔ ፍቅር! (Amharic Only) - Goodnight My Love! (Amharic Only)

Shelley Admont

እናቴን እወዳታለሁ (Amharic Only) - I Love My Mom (Amharic Only)

Shelley Admont

I Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables (English Only) - I Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables (English Only)

Shelley Admont

I Love to Sleep in My Own Bed (English Only) - I Love to Sleep in My Own Bed (English Only)

Shelley Admont

I Love Winter (English Only) - I Love Winter (English Only)

Shelley Admont

I Love to Brush My Teeth (English only) - I Love to Brush My Teeth (English only)

Shelley Admont

Sweet Dreams My Love (English Only) - Sweet Dreams My Love (English Only)

Shelley Admont

From My Window (English Only) - From My Window (English Only)

Rayne Coshav

wonderful Day A (English Only) - A wonderful Day (English Only)

Sam Sagolski

Under the Stars (English Only) - Under the Stars (English Only)

Sam Sagolski

Traveling Caterpillar The (English Only) - The Traveling Caterpillar (English Only)

Rayne Coshav

I am Thankful (English Only) - I am Thankful (English Only)

Shelley Admont

Я люблю осінь (Ukrainian Only) - I Love Autumn (Ukrainian Only)

Shelley Admont

Viens Jouer maman! (French Only) - Let’s Play Mom! (French Only)

Viens Jouer maman! (French Only) - Let’s Play Mom! (French Only)

Shelley Admont

J'aime Ma Maman (French Only) - I Love My Mom (French Only)

J'aime Ma Maman (French Only) - I Love My Mom (French Only)

Shelley Admont

Me Encanta Compartir (Spanish Only) - I Love to Share (Spanish Only)

Me Encanta Compartir (Spanish Only) - I Love to Share (Spanish Only)

Shelley Admont

Bajo las estrellas (Spanish Only) - Under the Stars (Spanish Only)

Bajo las estrellas (Spanish Only) - Under the Stars (Spanish Only)

Sam Sagolski

اليرقة المسافرة (Arabic Only) - The traveling Caterpillar (Arabic Only)

اليرقة المسافرة (Arabic Only) - The traveling Caterpillar (Arabic Only)

Rayne Coshav

Amanda e il Tempo Perduto (Italian Only) - Amanda and the Lost Time (Italian Only)

Amanda e il Tempo Perduto (Italian Only) - Amanda and the Lost Time (Italian Only)

Shelley Admont

Я люблю літо (Ukrainian Only) - I Love Summer (Ukrainian Only)

Я люблю літо (Ukrainian Only) - I Love Summer (Ukrainian Only)

Shelley Admont, Danny Shmuilov

أُحِبُّ أنْ أفْرُشَ أَسْنَاِني (Arabic Only) - I Love to Brush My Teeth (Arabic Only)

أُحِبُّ أنْ أفْرُشَ أَسْنَاِني (Arabic Only) - I Love to Brush My Teeth (Arabic Only)

Shelley Admont