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もぐもぐ韓食物語 - cover


Moon Eun-joo, Kwak Ki-hyuk, DOLGOJI STUDIO

Casa editrice: STUDIO DOLGOJI

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Disponibile da: 20/11/2021.

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    ※電子版限定特典付き  描きおろし漫画1ページ   カバーイラスト ノートリミングVer.episode.01 星を旅するepisode.02 シガリスepisode.03 夜天図書館episode.04 まどろみホテルepisode.05 アビス城跡特典   描きおろし漫画1ページ      カバーイラスト ノートリミングVer.
    坂月さかな:イラストレーター・漫画家。「ある宇宙の旅の記憶」をテーマに、孤独で静謐な世界を優しい筆致で描く。『令和元年のゲーム・キッズ』(星海社)装画、『水の聖歌隊』(書肆侃侃房)装画、『少女終末旅行 公式アンソロジーコミック 2』(KADOKAWA)寄稿。2021年4月商業初作品集『坂月さかな作品集 プラネタリウム・ゴースト・トラベル』(パイ インターナショナル)を刊行。
    Twitter:@sakatsuki_fish Instagram:sakanasakatsuki 
    *The content is written in Japanese only.
    A melancholy sci-fi fantasy comic that takes you on a journey through a quiet night in search of somebody, somewhere, who is still awake.In a certain universe, people have begun to fall into an "everlasting sleep" due to the poison of the "Tobias Tree." Planets, where most of the inhabitants have fallen asleep, are now called "slumbering planets." Star Tripper Serial Number 303 of Planetarium Ghost Travel Inc. (a.k.a. PGT) visits the "slumbering planets" to record and preserve the remaining culture there. This is the story of 303’s encounters with and partings from people and things he meets at PGT and on the stars and planets, he visits. As he travels through the universe, searching for answers to the mystery of the "Tobias Tree," the mystery of 303 himself is uncovered…
    Sakatsuki Sakana is an illustrator and manga artist. Focusing on the theme of "journeys through a universe’s memory” the artist’s work depicts a lonely, yet tranquil world rendered with gentle brush strokes. She is famous for Reiwa Gannen no Game Kids (The Game Kids from the First year of Reiwa) (Seiunsha), Mizu no Seikatai (The Choir of Water) (Shoshikankanbou), and Shoujyo Shumatsu Ryoko Koshiki Anthology Comic 2 (Girl’s Last Tour Official Anthology Comic 2) (KADOKAWA). In April 2021, she published her first commercial collection, Planetarium Ghost Travel The Art of Sakatsuki Sakana (PIE International).
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  • Star Tripper 星旅少年 3 - cover

    Star Tripper 星旅少年 3

    Sakana Sakatsuki

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    「トビアスの木」の毒によってほとんどの住民が眠ってしまった「まどろみの星」。これは「まどろみの星」を旅して、残された文化を記憶・保存する、プラネタリウム・ゴースト・トラベル社の星旅人(ほしたびびと)・登録ナンバー303の物語。疲弊した303のもとに、突如現れたトビアスと名乗る少年。303とトビアス、彼らは一体何者なのか? 謎が少しずつ紐解かれていく必読必至の第3巻。宝島社『このマンガがすごい!2023』オンナ編 第5位ランクイン。ハマる人続出中の大注目作品です。※2024年春 第4巻発売予定。episode.12 トビアスepisode.13 TAMAGOのぐちゃぐちゃ焼きepisode.14 ブレンドラーメンepisode.15 TENSHIepisode.16 青い星episode.17 静かで綺麗で懐かしいところ
    坂月さかな:イラストレーター・漫画家。「ある宇宙の旅の記憶」をテーマに、孤独で静謐な世界を優しい筆致で描く。『令和元年のゲーム・キッズ』(星海社)装画、『水の聖歌隊』(書肆侃侃房)装画、『少女終末旅行 公式アンソロジーコミック 2』(KADOKAWA)寄稿。2021年4月『坂月さかな作品集 プラネタリウム・ゴースト・トラベル』を小社より刊行。
    Twitter:@sakatsuki_fish Instagram:sakanasakatsuki
    *The content is written in Japanese only.
    A melancholy sci-fi fantasy comic that takes you on a journey through a quiet night in search of somebody, somewhere, who is still awake.
    In a certain universe, people have begun to fall into an "everlasting sleep" due to the poison of the "Tobias Tree." Planets, where most of the inhabitants have fallen asleep, are now called "slumbering planets". Star Tripper Serial Number 303 of Planetarium Ghost Travel Inc. (a.k.a. PGT) visits the "slumbering planets" to record and preserve the remaining culture there. This is the story of 303’s encounters with and partings from people and things he meets at PGT and on the stars and planets he visits. As he travels through the universe, searching for answers to the mystery of the "Tobias Tree," the mystery of 303 himself is uncovered…
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