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Francis - フランシス - cover

Francis - フランシス

Jessica Cioffi

Publisher: Shockdom srl

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Available since: 02/14/2022.

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    Twitter:@sakatsuki_fish Instagram:sakanasakatsuki 
    *The content is written in Japanese only.
    A melancholy sci-fi fantasy comic that takes you on a journey through a quiet night in search of somebody, somewhere, who is still awake.In a certain universe, people have begun to fall into an "everlasting sleep" due to the poison of the "Tobias Tree." Planets, where most of the inhabitants have fallen asleep, are now called "slumbering planets." Star Tripper Serial Number 303 of Planetarium Ghost Travel Inc. (a.k.a. PGT) visits the "slumbering planets" to record and preserve the remaining culture there. This is the story of 303’s encounters with and partings from people and things he meets at PGT and on the stars and planets, he visits. As he travels through the universe, searching for answers to the mystery of the "Tobias Tree," the mystery of 303 himself is uncovered…
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    The absurd and surreal world of Yokai is back full of stories to tell
    Following the success of Yokai Museum and Yokai Wonderland, we are proud to publish Yokai Storyland, the third book from Yumoto Koichi, a renowned Yokai art collector who collects around 4,000 artworks ranging from paintings, sculptures, books, magazines, toys, and many more.In response to great demand from readers wanting to know more details about the meaning, background, and stories behind each illustration, this time we have focused on collecting Yokai story books and manga. Very rare, never-before-seen materials (books/manga) are showcased in an immersive full-size, full-page format to give a more realistic feeling. They are all accompanied by full translations and notes to make the content of the manga more accessible to readers. Yokai Storyland will be a treasure trove of information for those who are eager to know everything in detail about Yokai stories. It also presents Japanese culture from a whole new and different perspective.
    This book is divided into three chapters.Chapter 1 explores the world of Yokai stories in the Edo and Meiji periods by introducing seven stories.Chapter 2 sheds light on a quirky manga from the Edo period titled “Jinmen-Zoshi (The Book of Faces)”. This manga was briefly introduced in Yokai Wonderland but only on a few pages with small images. But in this book, it is introduced in a full-size, full-page format and with a full translation. All the characters have the same comical look, which is supposed to be cute but actually gives an uncanny, strange, and even frightening impression. The artworks show these strange characters entertaining themselves in the city of Edo, but little is actually known about The Book of Faces beyond these depictions, including the origins of these characters.Chapter 3 is a Yokai encyclopedia featuring around fifteen characters selected from the book, fully introduced and explained.
    About the authorKoichi Yumoto (b.1950): Collector and researcher of Yokai art. Former curatorial director of the Kawasaki City Museum.
    About the YUMOTO Koichi CollectionThe largest personal collection of Yokai art in Japan: around 4,000 works which range from the Edo period to the present day. These include painting, woodblock prints, scrolls, ceramics, kimonos, wooden sculptures, magazines, children’s toys, board games, and more. In April 2019, the collection was housed in the new Yokai Museum called Miyoshi Mononoke Museum located in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. 
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