Yokai Wonderland - More from YUMOTO Koichi Collection Supernatural Beings in Japanese Art
Koichi Yumoto
Publisher: PIE International
まだまだ魅せます、湯本豪一コレクションの深い妖怪愛。 古くは江戸時代に描かれた妖怪から、新しくは昭和の懐かしい妖怪まで古今津々浦々から、ぞくぞくと集結!前作『今昔妖怪大鑑』収録には、うっかり間に合わなかった妖怪たちの大舞台『古今妖怪纍纍(るいるい)』、いよいよ幕開けです。長らく秘蔵された初公開の妖怪は150体以上! A newly revealed collection of Japanese art featuring yokai, the monsters of Japanese folklore Yokai are a class of supernatural monsters in Japanese folklore. In the Edo period (1603-1868), many artists, such as Hokusai Katsushika or Kuniyoshi Utagawa, created works featuring yokai that were inspired by folklore or their own imaginations. This book contains a lot of artworks of Japanese yokai from the Edo period to today and includes not only paintings but also woodblock prints, scrolls, ceramics, kimonos, wooden sculptures, magazines, children’s toys, such as board games, and more.This is the second series from the ”Yokai Museum” and showcases a new collection of works, including never-before-seen works. All of the works featured in this book are from the personal collection of Koichi Yumoto.This book will certainly appeal to Japanese art lovers, fans of yokai, and also to those who are new to these fascinating supernatural creatures. It is also a valuable reference and source of inspiration for designers and illustrators.