Three identical sisters, three handsome bachelors and one enchanted nightnine months later, one woman is about to become a mother, but WHO'S THE DADDY?3 to 1 odds: fatherhood!David Hartford had met a beautiful and mysterious woman one fateful night, but she'd disappeared before the sunrise. And then he'd seen a picture of the missing woman, very pregnant, and knew he had to find herfor the baby had to be his!David had stolen Athena Ames's heart that night, but they hadn't made a baby. When a chance encounter brought them together again, David demanded the truth. But Athena had secrets to keep and a mystery to solvehow could she tell him she had two identical sisters
and one of them was pregnant?But who was the daddy?
Verfügbar seit: 15.10.2014.
Drucklänge: 191 Seiten.