The Prince and The Pekingese
Barbara Cartland
Publisher: Barbara Cartland
Although she lives in an elegant and impressive household in London’s prestigious Belgrave Square, young Angelina Medwin’s life is not a very glamorous or romantic one. Most of her time is taken up with caring for her ailing grandmother Lady Medwin and acceding to the demands of her beloved “Lion Pekingese”, which Angelina frequently walks in the Square’s beautiful, secluded and leafy private park. London is buzzing with excitement about the forthcoming Coronation of King Edward VII – and the neighbouring Cephalonian Embassy, aglitter with official brass and braid, is no exception. Just before the great event, though, a chance meeting in the square with the dashing young Prince Xenos of Cephalonia, no less, puts her whole life in a spin as she loses her heart utterly to a man who can never marry her. But little does she know, her one hope of true love and happiness lies in the Greek blood that courses in her veins, and which she has always kept secret!