The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Conan Doyle
Publisher: Fractal Press
Original Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle which brought him international fame as one of the greatest crime fiction writers. Conan Doyle wrote several volumes of stories featuring detective Holmes and Dr. Watson but, in 1893, hoping to concentrate on more serious writing, he attempted to kill off Holmes. This attempt resulted in a public outcry and later made him resurrect Holmes. This edition features some of the most popular original Sherlock Holmes stories including: A Scandal in Bohemia, The Red-headed League, A Case of Identity, The Boscombe Valley Mystery, The Five Orange Pips, The Man with the Twisted Lip, The Blue Carbuncle, 'The Speckled Band, The Engineer's Thumb, The Noble Bachelor, The Beryl Coronet, The Copper Beeches.