All Aboard; or Life on the Lake A Sequel to "The Boat Club" - A Lakeside Adventure of Friendship and Competition
Oliver Optic
Outward Bound Or Young America Afloat - A Story of Travel and Adventure
Oliver Optic
Down the Rhine; Or Young America in Germany
Oliver Optic
A Spelling-Book for Advanced Classes
Oliver Optic
A Lieutenant at Eighteen
Oliver Optic
Our Standard-Bearer; Or The Life of General Uysses S Grant
Oliver Optic
The Young Lieutenant; or The Adventures of an Army Officer
Oliver Optic
On Time; or Bound to Get There - A Timeless Journey of Determination and Adventure
Oliver Optic
Our Standard-Bearer; Or The Life of General Uysses S Grant - A Warrior President's Legacy: The Civil War Leadership of Ulysses S Grant
Oliver Optic
Down the Rhine; Or Young America in Germany - An American Journey Through German Culture and Adventure
Oliver Optic
The Young Lieutenant; or The Adventures of an Army Officer - A Young Officer's Journey Through War and Courage
Oliver Optic
A Lieutenant at Eighteen - A Young Naval Officer's Saga of Courage and Loyalty in a Turbulent Era
Oliver Optic
A Spelling-Book for Advanced Classes - Mastering Advanced Spelling: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhance Literacy Skills
Oliver Optic
Across India; Or Live Boys in the Far East - Journey through Exotic India: Adventure Friendship and Discovery in the Far East
Oliver Optic
Now or Never The Adventures of Bobby Bright
Oliver Optic
Fighting for the Right
Oliver Optic
A Victorious Union
Oliver Optic
On The Blockade
Oliver Optic
Within The Enemy's Lines
Oliver Optic
Taken by the Enemy
Oliver Optic
Across India
Oliver Optic
Haste and Waste
Oliver Optic