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Publisher: The White Marlin Press

The White Marlin Press

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Backwater Haven

Steven Becker

The Cape Cod Enigma

Steven Becker, Chuck Benton, Cathy Dee

Storm Clouds - A fast paced international thriller

Steven Becker

Backwater Diva

Steven Becker

The Acadia Enigma

Steven Becker, Chuck Benton

Wood's Hope - Action and Adventure in the Florida Keys

Steven Becker

Gold Fever

Steven Becker

Backwater Grave

Steven Becker

Wood's Destiny - Action and Adventure in the Florida Keys

Steven Becker

Wood's Ledge - An Early Mac Travis Adventure

Steven Becker

Storm Surge - A Fast Paced International Adventure Thriller

Steven Becker

Wood's Fury - Action and Adventure in the Florida Keys

Steven Becker

Shifting Sands - Tides of Fortune IV

Steven Becker