Psicología Educacional - Entendiendo el desarrollo infantil
Imro’atul Husna Afriani
Economía Internacional
Sebastiana Viphindrartin
Islamic Macroeconomics - Navigating Economic Principles For Sustainable Development
Bawono Suryaning, Zainuri Zainuri, Harnani Sri, Hanim Anifatul
Islamic Macroeconomics and Green Agroindustry: Theory and Practice
Bawono Suryaning, Zainuri Zainuri, Harnani Sri, Hanim Anifatul
Smart Ways to Manage Finances - How to Manage Your Money Wisely and Productively
Mukhlis Muhamad, Fayanni Yenni, Amaliah Fina
Tax and MSMEs in the Digital Age - Why Do We Need To Pay Taxes And What Are The Benefits For Us As MSME Entrepreneurs And How To Build Regulations That Are Empathetic And Proven To Encourage Tax Revenue In The Informal Sector
Wilantari Regina Niken, Prianto Eddy, Mukhlis Muhamad, Dwiningsih Sri, Bawono Suryaning, Allen Dashen
Become a Professional Photographer from Scratch - How To Understand Photography Techniques Choose Cameras And Build Income As A Photographer
Stuartd Roger
Islamic Monetary and International Trade Research in Indonesia - Islam and Global Economic Challenges in the World's Most Populous Muslim Country
Mukhlis Muhamad, Dwiningsih Sri, Bawono Suryaning, Viphindrartin Sebastiana, Zainuri Zainuri, Suryono Imam, Harnani Sri, Damayanti Lina
International Economics Today - Global Economic Challenges Pandemic Crisis War And Sustainability Issue
Suryaning Bawono, Zainuri, Anifatul Hanim, Lina Damayanti, Muhamad Mukhlis
International Thematic Research on International Trade and Business in Indonesia - ASIAN Economic and Business Development Volume 4 No 1 June 2022
Eny Lestari Widarni, Suryaning Bawono, Sebastiana Viphindrartin
The Foundation Of Macroeconomics For Business
Eny Lestari Widarni, Suryaning Bawono, Benjamin Drean