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Editorial: Infinite Ideas

Infinite Ideas

“We publish wonderful books that will inspire, entertain, amuse and educate you. With 300 books in print, including bestselling e-books, we’re sure you’ll find inspiration here. Infinite Ideas launched in 2004. We published 20 books in the acclaimed 52 Brilliant Ideas series in our first year, received rave reviews from magazines and newspapers and had a number of authors on national TV. We’ve licensed our titles to publishers in more than 40 languages. We published the very first book on...

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O gerente de projeto preguiçoso - Como ser duas vezes mais produtivo e ainda assim sair mais cedo do escritório

O gerente de projeto preguiçoso - Como ser duas vezes mais produtivo e ainda assim sair mais cedo do escritório

Peter Taylor

Look good on the beach - Simple ways to look hot in the sun

Look good on the beach - Simple ways to look hot in the sun

Infinite Ideas

Declutter your life - From chaos to calm

Declutter your life - From chaos to calm

Infinite Ideas

Instant canoeing & kayaking - Tips and techniques for perfect paddling

Instant canoeing & kayaking - Tips and techniques for perfect paddling

Infinite Ideas

Web sites that work - Secrets from winning websites

Web sites that work - Secrets from winning websites

Infnite Ideas

How to become a top DJ - An insider’s guide to DJing success

How to become a top DJ - An insider’s guide to DJing success

Infinite Ideas, Luke Mccarthy

Dominate your market with Twitter - Tweet your way to business success

Dominate your market with Twitter - Tweet your way to business success

John Smith, José Llinares

Knowing our future - The startling case for futurology

Knowing our future - The startling case for futurology

Michael Lee

Publicize your business

Publicize your business

Infinite Ideas

Super selling - Simple techniques for satisfied customers

Super selling - Simple techniques for satisfied customers

Infinite Ideas

Instant running - Tips and techniques to get you moving

Instant running - Tips and techniques to get you moving

Infinite Ideas

Herbal Remedies A – Z - Your complete guide to natural health and beauty

Herbal Remedies A – Z - Your complete guide to natural health and beauty

Infinite Ideas, Barbara Griggs

Healthy finances - Sort out your money with help from classic financial thinkers

Healthy finances - Sort out your money with help from classic financial thinkers

Infinite Ideas

Recapture your bounce - Brilliant ideas for getting more energy

Recapture your bounce - Brilliant ideas for getting more energy

Infinite Ideas

Love your job - Make work work for you with help from classic self-help thinkers

Love your job - Make work work for you with help from classic self-help thinkers

Infinite Ideas

Run your own business - Make your company a success with help from classic thinkers

Run your own business - Make your company a success with help from classic thinkers

Infinite Ideas

Successful marketing - Simple ideas for building your sales

Successful marketing - Simple ideas for building your sales

Infinite Ideas

The lives loves and deaths of splendidly unreasonable inventors

The lives loves and deaths of splendidly unreasonable inventors

Jeremy Collier

Smart Business Start-ups - Tips and techniques to start your dream business

Smart Business Start-ups - Tips and techniques to start your dream business

Infinite Ideas

Olympic turnaround - How the Olympic games stepped back from the brink of extinction to become the world's best known brand - and a multi-billion dollar franchise

Olympic turnaround - How the Olympic games stepped back from the brink of extinction to become the world's best known brand - and a multi-billion dollar franchise

Michael Payne

The Lazy Project Manager and the Project from Hell - Back in the comfy chair for more productive lazy wisdom and then off to the time machine to save the worst project in history - and all before tea time

The Lazy Project Manager and the Project from Hell - Back in the comfy chair for more productive lazy wisdom and then off to the time machine to save the worst project in history - and all before tea time

Peter Taylor, Michael Finer

Find that job - Simple ideas for managing your career

Find that job - Simple ideas for managing your career

Infinite Ideas

The Dance of the Meerkats - A fable

The Dance of the Meerkats - A fable

Peter Taylor, Bob Eames

Presentations - Simple ideas for painless public speaking

Presentations - Simple ideas for painless public speaking

Infinite Ideas

Super communication the NLP way

Super communication the NLP way

Infinite Ideas, Russell Webster

Appraisals - Simple ideas for painless reviews

Appraisals - Simple ideas for painless reviews

Infinite Ideas

Achieve your goals - Fulfill your dreams with help from classic self-help thinkers

Achieve your goals - Fulfill your dreams with help from classic self-help thinkers

Infinite Ideas

Life after work - Simple ideas for enjoying retirement

Life after work - Simple ideas for enjoying retirement

Infinite Ideas

Get Organized - Simple ideas for planning your time

Get Organized - Simple ideas for planning your time

Infinite Ideas

Your good health - 60 simple ideas for healthy living

Your good health - 60 simple ideas for healthy living

Infinite Ideas