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Publisher: Grosvenor House Publishing


Grosvenor House Publishing by Grosvenor House Publishing

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I'll Love You Forever

Rita Beggins

MEET YRRET FFUD - What a Coincidence

Terry Duff (Wee Glasgow Guy)

All clenched up and finally finished

Mick O'Reardon

To be a Pilot - The story of a Liverpool Marine Pilot

David Devey

No Bad Days - when you have wheels friends and music

Maureen Aspinwall

Down The Belliard Steps - Discovering the Brontes in Brussels

Helen MacEwan

Sea Stories from Springbok

Gavin Russell

23 Years in The Irish Guards

Philip Anthony McDonnell

Memoir of Muriel Viscountess Lowther

Andrew Watson

A Hakka Woman

Di Lebowitz

I'm Surprised I'm Still Alive

Jimmy J Alan

Andy's Nature - Asperger's Obesity and the Supernatural

Andrew Tait

Behind The Curtain - My Life And Rocky Horror

Martin Fitzgibbon

Essentially - Being Me in a Becoming World

Pauline Aweto

Tigers Mountains and Pagodas - The story of a special and adventurous life

Stanley C Robbins

Sir George Farrar

Andrew Watson

A Vineyard in North Wales? It's Not Warm Enough! - The Story of the Origin of Red Wharf Bay Vineyard

Kevin Mawdesley

A Daymare of Violence

Brenda Moore

Paradise Erased - Chronicle of an Exile

Miguel Ángel Monzón

Bigfoot - It's a Fairytale

Paul Glover