I'll Love You Forever
Rita Beggins
MEET YRRET FFUD - What a Coincidence
Terry Duff (Wee Glasgow Guy)
All clenched up and finally finished
Mick O'Reardon
To be a Pilot - The story of a Liverpool Marine Pilot
David Devey
No Bad Days - when you have wheels friends and music
Maureen Aspinwall
Down The Belliard Steps - Discovering the Brontes in Brussels
Helen MacEwan
Sea Stories from Springbok
Gavin Russell
23 Years in The Irish Guards
Philip Anthony McDonnell
Memoir of Muriel Viscountess Lowther
Andrew Watson
A Hakka Woman
Di Lebowitz
I'm Surprised I'm Still Alive
Jimmy J Alan
Andy's Nature - Asperger's Obesity and the Supernatural
Andrew Tait
Behind The Curtain - My Life And Rocky Horror
Martin Fitzgibbon
Essentially - Being Me in a Becoming World
Pauline Aweto
Tigers Mountains and Pagodas - The story of a special and adventurous life
Stanley C Robbins
Sir George Farrar
Andrew Watson
A Vineyard in North Wales? It's Not Warm Enough! - The Story of the Origin of Red Wharf Bay Vineyard
Kevin Mawdesley
A Daymare of Violence
Brenda Moore
Paradise Erased - Chronicle of an Exile
Miguel Ángel Monzón
Bigfoot - It's a Fairytale
Paul Glover