Young Thoughts of a Man
John Clegg
For As Long As But A Hundred Of Us Remain Alive
Ron Culley
The Story of a Cockney Kid
R.S. Lawrence
Josh Goblin and The Enchanted Riverbank
Clive C West
Anita Reeves-Fenwick
Hope for Everyone - A Fresh Vision of the Afterlife
David Bell, Dave Griffiths
The Western Take
G. R. Williams
Rain Steam and Speed
Allissa Oldenberg
Abaddon's Curse
Niall Illingworth
The Mercury
Michael McCarty
The Black Dogs of Glaslyn
Guy Holmes
Make Music to My Heart - Stand by Me
Grace True
A Time for Reaping
Joy Stonehouse
Sugar Daddy?
B J Gallimore
No Bad Days - when you have wheels friends and music
Maureen Aspinwall
Down The Belliard Steps - Discovering the Brontes in Brussels
Helen MacEwan
Fallon 3 - The Gathering Storm
Robyn Smythe
The Hermit of Sant Alberto - The Confessions of Edward II
Peter Mowbray
Daughters of Pengollan
Elaine Singer
Fallon 2 - Family Above All
Robyn Smythe
Plus Ça Change
Howard Harries
A Strange Encounter
John Clegg
Follow Your Heart - Wait upon the Lord
Grace True
The Brightonians Under Siege
Daren Kay
Whispers of Forbidden Love
Ivelin Baychev