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Maison d'édition: B&H Academic

B&H Academic

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Une marque éditoriale de: B&H Publishing Group

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One Sacred Effort - The Cooperative Program of Southern Baptists

One Sacred Effort - The Cooperative Program of Southern Baptists

Chad Brand, David Hankins

Ready for Reformation? - Bringing Authentic Reform to Southern Baptist Churches

Ready for Reformation? - Bringing Authentic Reform to Southern Baptist Churches

Tom Nettles

The Good Book on Leadership - Case Studies from the Bible

The Good Book on Leadership - Case Studies from the Bible

Elmer L. Towns, John Borek, Danny Lovett

Perspectives on Church Government - 5 Views

Perspectives on Church Government - 5 Views

Chad Brand, Stan Norman

Anointed Expository Preaching

Anointed Expository Preaching

Stephen Olford, David Olford

The New Testament - Its Background and Message

The New Testament - Its Background and Message

David Alan Black, Thomas Lea

Biblical Hermeneutics - A Comprehensive Introduction to Interpreting Scripture

Biblical Hermeneutics - A Comprehensive Introduction to Interpreting Scripture

Bruce Corley, Grant Lovejoy, Steve W Lemke

Theologians of the Baptist Tradition

Theologians of the Baptist Tradition

Timothy George, David S. Dockery

A Faith for All Seasons - Historic Christian Belief in its Classical Expression

A Faith for All Seasons - Historic Christian Belief in its Classical Expression

Ted M. Dorman

Worthy Is the Lamb - Interpreting the Book of Revelation in Its Historical Background

Worthy Is the Lamb - Interpreting the Book of Revelation in Its Historical Background

Ray Summers

An Introduction to Wisdom and Poetry of the Old Testament

An Introduction to Wisdom and Poetry of the Old Testament

Donald K. Berry

Evangelism - A Concise History

Evangelism - A Concise History

John Mark Terry

The Book of Church Growth - History Theology and Principles

The Book of Church Growth - History Theology and Principles

Thom S. Rainer

Islam - Its Prophet Peoples Politics and Power

Islam - Its Prophet Peoples Politics and Power

George Braswell

Cracking Old Testament Codes - A Guide to Interpreting Literary Genres of the Old Testament

Cracking Old Testament Codes - A Guide to Interpreting Literary Genres of the Old Testament

D. Brent Sandy, Ronald L. Giese

Basic Budgeting for Churches - A Complete Guide

Basic Budgeting for Churches - A Complete Guide

Jack A. Henry

Introducing the New Testament

Introducing the New Testament

Joe Blair

Understanding Christian Ethics - An Interpretive Approach

Understanding Christian Ethics - An Interpretive Approach

William Tillman

The Heart of the New Testament

The Heart of the New Testament

H. I. Hester

The Heart of Hebrew History - A Study of the Old Testament

The Heart of Hebrew History - A Study of the Old Testament

H. I. Hester

Acts in Prayer - Affirm God’s Presence Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Seeking for Self For Others

Acts in Prayer - Affirm God’s Presence Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Seeking for Self For Others

E. W. Price