水浒传(简体中文版) - 中华传世珍藏四大名著
Publisher: 艺雅出版社 - Simplified Chinese (SC)
《水浒传》是施耐庵所著的一部中华传世珍藏的国学经典佳作,在海内外广为阅读和流传,值得细细品味。 本书为简体中文版,全本67回,由艺雅出版社精心制作。艺雅出版社还分别提供其繁体中文版与简繁体对照版,欢迎大家下载阅读。
Publisher: 艺雅出版社 - Simplified Chinese (SC)
《水浒传》是施耐庵所著的一部中华传世珍藏的国学经典佳作,在海内外广为阅读和流传,值得细细品味。 本书为简体中文版,全本67回,由艺雅出版社精心制作。艺雅出版社还分别提供其繁体中文版与简繁体对照版,欢迎大家下载阅读。
本部书讲述了清末民初,农民白朗率众起义的历史传奇故事。 Notice: The audiobook is narrated in Mandarin 注意:有声书的演播语言是中文(普通话)Show book
作为世界历史的通俗性普及读本,本书记叙了从人类最早创造文字的两河流域文明开始,直至21世纪为止,对于人类文明进程具有重大影响的事件。本书分两河流域文明、古埃及文明,古印度文明、古希腊文明、中美洲文明、黑暗笼罩的中世纪欧洲、追求自由民主的近代世界、战争中嬗变的现代世界等篇章,篇章以时间为序排列,向读者展并一幅幅栩栩如生的历史画面。Show book
这个故事发生在清朝雍正年间,讲述了女侠吕四娘被师父独臂神尼解救,并传其剑术,又遇男侠江枫。两个人辞师下山,一路之上行侠仗义,结交绿林豪杰,铲奸除恶,最终杀死了朝廷叛臣隆科多。评书采用神化、短打等形式打造了一个俊俏、刚健、正义、聪明、多情的女侠形象。这部评书险象环生、情节紧凑,由石家兴播讲。在书中充分发挥了他的演播特点-----气势磅礴、诙谐幽默。 Notice: The audiobook is narrated in Mandarin 注意:有声书的演播语言是中文(普通话)Show book
In the autumn of 1919, Xinghua Coal Mining Co., Ltd. began large-scale mining of the Liujiawa coalfield in the Yellow River paleo-channel basin, causing mining-induced earthquakes and ground subsidence. Initially, about a dozen or so acres of land collapsed, rendering some areas uncultivable. Villagers brought their grievances to the company, and subsequently, the two parties agreed to negotiate compensation. However, the company used the excuse of tight finances in the early stages of mining operations to avoid fulfilling its obligations. In February 1920, the land continued to subside. The subsidence spread from Xixia Village in the northeast of Qingquan County, meandering all the way to Dongyuan Town in a neighboring county. Signs of sinking were visible everywhere: the land became uneven, with height differences of up to several feet. Ancestral graves were also affected, with coffins and human bones exposed. In total, nearly thousands of households were impacted. In mid-month, dozens of fissures up to half a foot wide were discovered in the Yellow River ancient embankment. By month's end, the subsidence threatened villages, and some houses in Dongyuan Town collapsed, with village walls cracking in many places. Even then, the company still did not provide compensation. The villagers were extremely indignant, swearing to fight to protect their homeland. In early March, villagers secretly gathered, arming themselves with folk weapons, and elected local gentry Liu Shujie to lead them in resolving the dispute through force. The situation was severe, with violent conflict imminent. Xinghua Company was forced to send personnel to survey the dire state of the collapsed land...Show book
“Along the River During the Qingming Festival” is regarded as a masterpiece representing Chinese historical culture, yet few know that initially, it was merely a construction diagram. Emperor Huizong the artist, the silly Liangshan bandits, the kind courtesan Li Shishi, the handsome Zhang Ze, the gambling addict Li Qingzhao... their fates and the imperial court and jianghu world they inhabited were completely transformed by this painting.Show book
《三国演义》,全名《三国志通俗演义》,又名《三国志演义》,是元末明初小说家罗贯中创作的历史演义小说,中国古代长篇章回体小说的开山之作,也是中国古典四大名著之一。小说以东汉末年群雄割据混战为背景,描写了魏、蜀、吴三国的政治、军事、外交等方面的复杂斗争,反映出当时动荡不安的社会局面,并成功塑造了一批叱咤风云的英雄人物。此书名扬四海,广受读者好评。"演义一书之奇,足以使学士读之而快,委巷不学之人读之而亦快;英雄豪杰读之而快,凡夫俗子读之而亦快。"——清·李渔 罗贯中(约1330年—约1400年),名本,字贯中,号湖海散人,山西并州太原府人。罗贯中一生著作颇丰,小说均以乱世为题材,除《三国演义》外,还著有《隋唐志传》、《残唐五代史演义》、《三遂平妖传》等。 本书为简体中文版,全本120回,由艺雅出版社精心制作。艺雅出版社还分别提供其繁体中文版与简繁体对照版,欢迎大家下载阅读。Show book