东方视角, 今古传奇纪实版编辑部
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Editora: 东方视角/EWAYBOOK
宁肯"持重待机",也不"率而应战","我不是魔术师会变魔术,也不是孙悟空有七十二变","明知不对,让我不说,杀了也不干!"……在共和国的开国将领中,黄克诚是因讲真话被罢官次数最多的一位。有人讲,黄克诚天生后脑勺上长"反骨"。他一生都勇于扮演"反派"角色,但他始终无怨无悔、矢志不渝。would rather "hold on to the moment" than "take the lead in the battle","I'm not a magician who can do magic, and it's not that Sun Wukong has seventy-two changes","I know it's wrong, let me not say it, and I won't do it if I kill it!"…… Among the founding generals of the Republic, Huang Kecheng was the one who was dismissed the most times for telling the truth.Some people say that Huang Kecheng was born with a "backbone" on the back of his head.He has had the courage to play the role of "villain" all his life, but he has always had no regrets and is unswerving.
Duração: aproximadamente 2 horas (01:56:05) Data de publicação: 14/10/2024; Abridged; Copyright Year: 2024. Copyright Statment: —