歌罗西书和腓利门书 (Colossians and Philemon)
Dr. Brian J. Bailey
Editorial: Zion Christian Publishers
这是一本易读逐句评论, 是为使徒保罗撰写其中最有福的新约书信而写。贝利博士从歌罗西书信中强调了遵循圣洁之道的重要性, 也让我们欣赏到腓利门书信里, 奴隶成兄弟的极大恢复信息。这本书为热爱真理途径的信徒来寻求与神同在, 使属灵得到恢复, 并得称为神的儿女。
Editorial: Zion Christian Publishers
这是一本易读逐句评论, 是为使徒保罗撰写其中最有福的新约书信而写。贝利博士从歌罗西书信中强调了遵循圣洁之道的重要性, 也让我们欣赏到腓利门书信里, 奴隶成兄弟的极大恢复信息。这本书为热爱真理途径的信徒来寻求与神同在, 使属灵得到恢复, 并得称为神的儿女。
Buddhism - The Four Noble Truth - 3 Types of SufferingVer libro
《老子道德经校释》是王弼所编著的一部中华传世珍藏的国学经典佳作,在海内外广为阅读和流传,值得细细品味。 本书为简体中文版,全本86回,由艺雅出版社精心制作。艺雅出版社还分别提供其繁体中文版与简繁体对照版,欢迎大家下载阅读。Ver libro
The Tang Dynasty (618 to 907) was a golden age of Chinese culture: religion and philosophy, painting and calligraphy, sculpture, architecture and music all reached peaks of perfection. Poetry was the epitome of the arts: a scholastic requirement, a route to fame, a moulder of character. Nearly 50,000 poems of the Tang have survived. The collection 'Three Hundred Tang Poems' was compiled around 1763. It comprises six volumes, with poems grouped by verse form. Volume 1 covers the 'ancient verse' style in five-character lines (poems 1 to 35), and 'folk song style verse' (36 to 45). The masters Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei are well represented here. Recordings in this volume are in Cantonese, Hokkien, Mandarin and Taiwanese, as indicated in the titles; some are spoken, others are sung. (Summary by David Barnes)Ver libro
刚刚接待耶稣基督的人,往往因不知如何祷告而苦恼。 即使是久 信之人,也常因祷告犯难。 但只要不放弃,依靠神的教导,殷 切操练,在圣灵的帮助下,任何人都能做满有能力的祷告。 届时就会领悟:如同人不呼吸,身体会死一样。在信之人不祷告,灵就活不成。 就像健康的人有规律的呼吸毫不费力,灵里健康的人,照常祷告是非常自然的事,不会觉得吃力。因为越是殷勤祷告,灵魂越会兴盛,以致凡事兴盛,身体健壮。祷告极其重要,决不能停止。 耶稣多方强调其因,并切切叮嘱"总要儆醒祷告,免得入了迷惑"。Ver libro
The Chinese Union Version (CUV) (Chinese: ???; pinyin: héhé ben; literally "harmonized/united version") is the predominant Chinese language translation of the Bible used by Chinese Protestants. It is considered by many to be the Chinese Protestant’s Bible. The CUV in use today is the vernacular Mandarin version, published in two slightly different editions - the Shen Edition (??) and the Shangti Edition (???) - differing in the way the word “God” is translated. ?? (???)(?????;?????????????),???????????????????????????1890????????????,????????????????,??????«?????»?«???????»?«??????»? (Summaries from Wikipedia)Ver libro
The Chinese Union Version (CUV) (Chinese: ???; pinyin: héhé ben; literally "harmonized/united version") is the predominant Chinese language translation of the Bible used by Chinese Protestants. It is considered by many to be the Chinese Protestant’s Bible. The CUV in use today is the vernacular Mandarin version, published in two slightly different editions - the Shen Edition (??) and the Shangti Edition (???) - differing in the way the word “God” is translated. «?????»(?????;???????,???????),?????????????«??»????????????1890????????????,????????????????,????????????????(???)??? ?1904?,«???????»??«??»?«???????»?1906???«??»?1907?????????????,?1919???«??????»?1906?,??????????«??»;1919?,«??»?????????1919??????,«??»????«??????»,????????????????????«??»?Ver libro