Embroidery - The Art of Yoshioka
Publisher: PIE International
奥深い物語の世界へ誘う―よしおか初画集 The first art book from up-and-coming illustrator Yoshioka invites you into the world of fantasy stories. TVアニメ『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 3』や『呪術廻戦』のオープニング曲を担当したWho-ya Extendedのジャケットイラスト、『Bloodborne』(Ales Kot/Titan Comics)のヴァリアントカバーなど、国内外で多岐にわたるアートワークを手がけるイラストレーター・よしおかの初画集。これまで手がけた商業作品の他、話題となった連作イラスト『Blanc et Noir』や本書描き下ろしのイラスト+ストーリー『小さな月』などのオリジナル作品も掲載。さらに、巻末には各作品のコメントとカバーイラストのメイキングも収録。物語を紡ぐように幻想的な世界を繊細に描く、イラストレーター・よしおかの作品に浸れる一冊です。 よしおか:イラストレーター。水彩風のタッチで物語性のある作品を数多く制作。書籍や音楽関連のアートワークを中心に活動中。 Yoshioka's wonderful illustrations of plants, animals, nature, and other motifs remind the audience of storybooks as they take them on a journey into a sometimes happy, and sometimes dark world of fantasy. In addition to the illustrator’s original works, this book also includes CD jacket illustrations for Who-ya Extended, the musician of the theme song for TV anime series "Jujutsu Kaisen," and "PSYCHO-PASS 3," and the variant cover of "Bloodborne" (Ales Kot/Titan Comics) and much more. A feature on the making of the cover illustration is also included, providing a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Yoshioka's process for creating narrative illustrations: from the artist’s work environment to drawing rough sketches, to drawing, painting, and finishing. Delve deeper into the fantasy world of stories that Yoshioka creates with this unique illustration collection. Yoshioka is an illustrator who creates many narrative works, mainly books and music-related artwork, with a watercolorist’s touch.