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La storia di Bella la coccinella che vuole disegnare punti dappertutto Italiano-Inglese y The story of the little Ladybird Marie who wants to paint dots everythere Italian-English! - Volume 1 del libri e audiolibri della serie "Bella la coccinella" y Number 1 from the books and radio plays series... - cover

La storia di Bella la coccinella che vuole disegnare punti dappertutto Italiano-Inglese y The story of the little Ladybird Marie who wants to paint dots everythere Italian-English! - Volume 1 del libri e audiolibri della serie "Bella la coccinella" y Number 1 from the books and radio plays series...

Wolfgang Wilhelm, Marie Kinderbuchverlag

Translator Carmen Contessa Badjani, Zorica Ball

Publisher: Marie Kinderbuchverlag

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The author Wolfgang Wilhelm lives in Freiburg, Germany and he has written several series of children's stories (books and radio plays with songs). They have already been translated into nine languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Mongolian and Chinese.
 His greatest success was the nomination of his book Ladybird Marie for the Prix Europa (Europe's best radio play).
There are seven books in the series Ladybird Marie, which have been translated into eight languages. See also "Amon & Skarabä", an animated series in 26 parts taking place in Egypt, in the year 3000 A.D. New: The Seahorse Gang. A futuristic series about seahorses, who are beamed into the bodies of people living on soap bubble islands that never sink. In this story occurring in the year 2555 A.D, people take over the shape of the seahorses and encounter wondrous adventures, which transform them.
I racconti hanno una straordinaria importanza dal punto di vista pedagogico, in quanto sono divertenti e trasmettono 
importanti valori quali l'altruismo, tolleranza e amicizia   Prof. Dr. Arnold Groemminger, Istituto Psico-Pedagogico di Friburgo
Available since: 12/11/2013.

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    There are seven books in the series Ladybird Marie, which have been translated into eight languages. See also "Amon & Skarabä", an animated series in 26 parts taking place in Egypt, in the year 3000 A.D. New: The Seahorse Gang. A futuristic series about seahorses, who are beamed into the bodies of people living on soap bubble islands that never sink. In this story occurring in the year 2555 A.D, people take over the shape of the seahorses and encounter wondrous adventures, which transform them.
    I racconti hanno una straordinaria importanza dal punto di vista pedagogico, in quanto sono divertenti e trasmettono 
    importanti valori quali l'altruismo, tolleranza e amicizia   Prof. Dr. Arnold Groemminger, Istituto Psico-Pedagogico di Friburgo
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