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The Borgias (Annotated) - cover

The Borgias (Annotated)

هشام عبد الموجود

Casa editrice: Muhammad Humza

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• All content is redone in a new style, with the author's name and the title of the novel at the top.
• For a better glance, a small graphic is added at the beginning of each chapter.
• With a picture of Alexandre Dumas, a detailed biography of him is added.

This is a book that is not intended for youngsters. In describing the horrific scenes of a violent time, Dumas has spared no words. In some cases, facts appear to be warped out of context, and in others, the author makes unfounded accusations. This reality will be recognised and accepted by the thoughtful, mature reader for whom the books are written.
Disponibile da: 01/05/2022.

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