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Blockchain and Business with Digital Assets for Beginners - cover

Blockchain and Business with Digital Assets for Beginners

World Digital

Editora: Publishdrive

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This book guides beginners in in-depth understanding of blockchain and digital assets. Combining theory and practice, each chapter offers clear instructions and exercises for direct business application. From basic concepts to advanced strategies, you will learn how to maximize the value of digital assets in your company.
Unravel the Mysteries of the World of Cryptoassets and take a Journey through Blockchain, Bitcoin and Digital Investments. Get ready for an exciting adventure in the world of cryptoassets! In this series, we will embark on a journey to unlock the secrets of Blockchain, Bitcoin and the fascinating world of digital investments.
Together, let's explore:
- What is blockchain and how does this revolutionary technology work?
- Discover the history of Bitcoin and how it became the most famous cryptocurrency in the world.
- Dig deeper into other cryptoassets and tokens that are transforming the financial landscape.
- Learn how to invest in crypto assets safely and responsibly.
- Discover the opportunities and challenges of doing business in the digital world.
Disponível desde: 28/02/2025.
Comprimento de impressão: 188 páginas.

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