The 4 biggest Mistakes in Trading - How to become a professional Trader
Wieland Arlt
Casa editrice: Publishdrive
The subject of trading is riddled with misconceptions, prejudices and clichés. What is not said about us traders? Actually, active investment is superfluous, because the banker next door does a much better job than we could ever do. Moreover, there are enough financial products that should satisfy our need for returns. So why should we still do it ourselves - is the question asked by many.Of course, it is said that we trader take too much risk in our investments. Reason enough, therefore, to keep our hands off the action and let the "professionals" do it instead. That is the general tenor. And besides: only real economic experts can really trade successfully! You have to have studied at least for that, don't you? Wieland Arlt covers these and more misconceptions of Trading and Investing and shows solutions, how to become active and successful in trading and investing. Starting from scratch to become a professional trader - it is possible and here you will find the first ideas for your first steps.