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The Science of Getting Rich - The Original Classic - cover

The Science of Getting Rich - The Original Classic

Wallace D. Wattles

Narrateur Jake Dibello

Maison d'édition: Intelligent Reads

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The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is an inspirational work that inspired the creation of Rhonda Byrne's best-selling book, The Secret. The simplicity and pragmatical approach of The Science of Getting Rich demonstrates the direct route to aligning oneself (and others) with the acquirement of wealth and success. 
This new edition contains the original text now voiced by talented narrator Jake Dibello. This audiobook is further enriched with low background music designed to provide you with time and space to reflect on solutions that apply specifically to you. The frequency of the sounds creates the right mindscape, and stimulates creative thinking so that inspirations new to you can stem from the guidance, knowledge, and wisdom contained in this book. 
It is time to invite prosperity into the ultimate power of your mind, and transform that into a can-do attitude in your reality. The many ways of prosperity-making will be open to you, if you take the first step.
Durée: environ 3 heures (03:08:03)
Date de publication: 16/05/2023; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —