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The Interruption - cover

The Interruption

W. W. Jacobs

Narrador Cathy Dobson

Editora: Red Door Consulting

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W. W. Jacobs (1863-1941) is well known for humorous stories and for the most grisly of horror stories. The Interruption belongs very much in the latter category.Spencer Goddard's wife has died suddenly after a short and intense illness. Finally Goddard has his freedom and full use of his wife's wealth. But before he can begin to enjoy his new-found freedom, Hannah the cook begins to behave rather oddly. Goddard realizes that Hannah knows his secret...and a terrible power struggle begins.
Duração: 32 minutos (00:31:58)
Data de publicação: 30/08/2014; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —