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Junkyard Dogs - Zak Bates Eco-Adventure Series Volume 4 - cover

Junkyard Dogs - Zak Bates Eco-Adventure Series Volume 4

W. Bradfrod Swift

Erzähler Benjamin Fife

Verlag: Porpoise Publishing

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Ready for a doggone great adventure? // EmBARK today! // As the head of an eco-team that's been tasked to overcome global warming and protect endangered species, Zak Bates is as busy as ever. Despite much help from a truly stellar multi-species coterie, his life, in a word, is wild, and it seems that things are about to get hairier. // When the eco-team receives word from the Council of Animals of the Spiritual Frontier about a curious disturbance amongst New York's animal population, it soon becomes clear that something truly sinister is afoot—or apaw—and, worse, the plague is prodigious.
Dauer: etwa 5 Stunden (04:40:50)
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 06.02.2024; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —