Christmas Carol Collection 2014
Various Various
This year's LibriVox selection of traditional favourites and lesser-known Christmas carols in English, French, German and Latin, including a 17th century harmonisation of a plain chant melody from Susan, French poems set to original music by Ezwa, and Ryan's version of Händel's Hallelujah Chorus. The singers wish all listeners around the world a happy and peaceful Christmas.The Story That Never Grows Old: Words by James M. Gray (1851 - 1935); music by Ira D. Sankey (1840 - 1908)From Far Away: Words edited by Henry Ramsden Bramley (1833 - 1917); music edited by Sir John Stainer (1840 - 1901).Oh du fröhliche: Sicilianisches Fischerlied.A Virgin Most Pure: Anonymous English manuscript, c. 1777, collected by Davies Gilbert (1823).Creator alme siderum: Plain chant melody, harmonised by Sebastiano Cherici (1647 - 1703).Good Christian Men, Rejoice!: Words edited by Henry Ramsden Bramley (1833 - 1917); music edited by Sir John Stainer (1840 - 1901).O Christmas Tree: German folk song, various German authors, translator unknown.Chantons les louanges: Words, author unknown, from Cantiques de Noël anciens et nouveaux (1862); music by Ezwa.Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus: Words by Charles Wesley (1707 - 1788); music by Rowland H. Prichard (1811 - 1887).Hallelujah!: from Messiah by G. F. Händel (1685 - 1759).While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks: Words by Nahum Tate (1652 - 1715); music Winchester Old, from Whole Book of Psalmes, by Thomas Est (1540?–1608).O Dieu, quelle nouveauté: Words, author unknown, from Cantiques de Noël anciens et nouveaux (1862); music by Ezwa.A Christmas Carol (All the Skies Tonight Sing o'er Us): Words by Rev. John O'Connor (1870 - 1952); music German.Infant Holy, Infant Lowly: Words and music: Traditional Polish carol, translated and arranged by Edith Margaret Gellibrand Reed (1885 - 1933).Le sommeil de l'enfant Jésus: Words and music by François-Auguste Gevaert (1828 - 1908). Ye Shepherds Leave Your Flocks: Words and music Old French, translated by Caroline Hazard (1856 - 1945).Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling: Words by Karl Enslin (1819 - 1875); music by Benedikt Widmann (1820 - 1910).O Come, All Ye Faithful: Words: John F. Wade (1711 - 1786). v.1-3, 6 translated by Frederick Oakeley, 1841; v. 4, 5 Translated by William T. Brooke (1848 - 1917); music: 'Adeste Fideles' or 'Portuguese Hymn' John F. Wade, 1743.Love Came Down at Christmas: Words by Christina Rossetti (1830 - 1894); music by J. E. Borland (1866 - 1937). From Carols Old and Carols New (1916) by Charles L. Hutchins (1838 - 1920).Hymn for Christmas Day (See Amid the Winter's Snow): Words and music by Edward Caswall (1814 - 1878); words edited by Henry Ramsden Bramley (1833 - 1917); music arranged by Sir John Stainer (1840 - 1901)Oh! la bonne nouvelle: Words, author unknown, from Cantiques de Noël anciens et nouveaux (1862); music by Ezwa.
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