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Spiritual Leadership - Realisation of the true inner selfFirst! - cover

Spiritual Leadership - Realisation of the true inner selfFirst!

Vetrivel Janakiraman

Narrateur Fritz Angelo

Maison d'édition: Vetrivel Janakiraman

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Are you currently a leader who feels there is something missing with respect to how your people act, react, or behave? 
Are you a leader by chance, due to circumstances or due to your passion for leadership? 
Are you a future leader, who is looking at becoming a leader soon? 
In this book, I will share what I experienced and learned from over a decade as a leader and how Spirituality or being spiritual plays a very important role in shaping a complete or Ideal leader. 
In this small and simple story telling book, you will see how the teachings from various spiritual gurus thousands of years ago, is still valid in today’s complex world and in fact you will agree that it is more valid now than ever before. 
In Spiritual Leadership, you will - 
ü Learn about my 11 elements of the spiritual leadership model 
ü Find out what today’s leader can learn from the discipline of a Shaolin Monk 
ü Find out what nature can teach us towards self-realization 
ü Learn about the differences and the purpose of a Guru Vs a leader 
ü Learn what Silence can teach today’s leaders 
This book takes you deeper into your-self, makes you reflect as a leader or even as a future leader, will calm your mind, helps you see your challenges clearly. This book does not give direct solutions but helps you come up with your own solutions. Every leader has the solutions for all his problems within himself, the challenge is to first accept it and then to see it clearly. Once clear, the solutions come easily!! 
Durée: environ 3 heures (03:01:31)
Date de publication: 27/01/2021; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —