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Is a human being an AI? - YES is the brutal answer! - cover

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Is a human being an AI? - YES is the brutal answer!

Udo Reitter

Publisher: tredition

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Could it be that humans are actually made up of digital code?
If this is the case, that human beings are in fact made up of digital code, then this means nothing less than that everything we have believed about oursel-ves must be turned on its head. We would not be independent, sovereign beings, masters of our own destiny. No, we would be programs running in unimaginably complex software. Every thought, every decision, every action - nothing would really be our own, but the result of a code that was written somewhere long before we were born. We would really just be processing data sets while sitting in a prison that our senses have created for us, and they would be our jailers. But it seems that this is exactly the case!
Available since: 12/24/2024.
Print length: 218 pages.

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