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The Maltese Mummy - Book 2 - cover

The Maltese Mummy - Book 2

Trina Robbins

Narratore Book Buddy Digital Media

Casa editrice: Lerner

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A friend has vanished, a mummy's amulet is missing, and there's a weirdo out there looking for human brains and hearts. The Chicagoland Detective Agency—run by Megan, Raf, and his talking dog Bradley—have more than enough cases on their hands (and paws). But where to start? Megan's too busy for private-detecting. Her haikus won her tickets to meet the drop-dead gorgeous rock star Sun D'Arc. Raf is sure that Sun is too good not to be really bad. He must be involved in one of their cases. And what about Sun's suspiciously familiar manager? Or the pushy new girl at school? Can Bradley, dog genius, pull his team together and sniff out what suspect goes with which case?
Durata: 34 minuti (00:34:20)
Data di pubblicazione: 01/01/2017; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2011. Copyright Statment: —