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The Art of Achievement - Mastering The 7 Cs of Success in Business and Life - cover

The Art of Achievement - Mastering The 7 Cs of Success in Business and Life

Tom Morris

Editora: Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC

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The author of Making Sense of It All and Plato’s Lemonade Stand offers a roadmap to help readers make the most of their daily lives. 
Throughout the ages, plenty of people have written and spoken about success and excellence. But leave it to contemporary philosopher and popular business speaker Tom Morris to gather the best of it into a universal tool kit for achieving nearly any goal. From a clear CONCEPTION of what we want, to a stubborn CONSISTENCY in pursuing our vision, to a CAPACITY to enjoy the process, The Art of Achievement outlines a simple framework that will lead readers down a road of excellence. Peppered with quotes from great thinkers and successful people, such as Plato, Aristotle, Einstein, and Churchill, The Art of Achievement helps readers map out new paths to better health, greater efficiency, and deeper satisfaction. 
“As with those of all great philosophers, Tom’s words of wisdom are timeless. He conveys ancient wisdom with energy and humor and brings practical philosophy into today’s world of business—with huge impact.” —John Dillon, chairman and CEO, International Paper 
“The Art of Achievement is an exciting book that can help you and your business. It is full of valuable ideas that can propel you to a life of true significance.” —Bruce L. Hammonds, COO, MBNA America Bank, N.A. 
“Some of the best advice I could give my two children is to read The Art of Achievement. This is more than a book about success in business—it is really about success in life. It is powerful, thought provoking, and exhilarating to read. If you have never before been exposed to Tom Morris’s 7Cs of Success, this book will change your life.” —Jim Smith, president and CEO, Aurora Foods 
“In his book True Success, Tom Morris taught me the meaning of the word enthusiasm and its full meaning and power in daily life. That alone was enough to make me a lifelong fan. Now, in his new book, The Art of Achievement, he’s done even more—actually changed my life. I feel as if I was just on the verge of making a momentous leap in my life, and his book iced it for me. Now I am going for it!”—Steve Leveen, president and cofounder, Levenger
Disponível desde: 30/07/2013.
Comprimento de impressão: 220 páginas.

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