The VampireIn My Dreams
Terry Spear
Narrador Elizabeth ElizabethPhillips
Editorial: Terry Spear
Proving a guy is a vampire for the glory it will bring seemed like a good idea to Marissa Lakeland. At the time. Until Dominic Vorchowski needs Marissa Lakeland's help to fight the vampire who made him the way he is. No problem. She's a witch. Witches can handle it. But vampires don't exist, and there's nothing in a witch's training that deals with a creature that doesn't exist. So using her wits, she'll manage, right? If the creature of the night doesn't get her first. As a centuries-old vamp, Lynetta doesn't lose ever, and she doesn't intend to now. Yet, Marissa can't let the vamp have her way, not when Dominic's life depends on it. And so does her own.
Duración: alrededor de 6 horas (06:26:28) Fecha de publicación: 19/12/2014; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —