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Wandering Hearts - Looking Glass Saga #4 - cover

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Wandering Hearts - Looking Glass Saga #4

Tanya Lisle

Editorial: Scrap Paper Entertainment

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After an unsettling Christmas with Adrianna's family, Alice returns to school and a much more normal problem than she'd ever had to deal with before. Adrianna likes a boy and needs a date for his friend if she wants to spend more time with him. Alice agrees, but soon finds she's not ready for what that means. 
The other side of the mirror and searching for Adrianna's brothers becomes an escape from the life she'd dreamed of, even as she gains a new shadow while exploring Wonderland. She gains a shadow in a boy named Peter who has taken an interest in her and the things she can do. He is definitely not from around here and learns that where Wonderland ends, another world begins.
Disponible desde: 16/10/2016.

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