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7 best short stories by T S Arthur - cover

7 best short stories by T S Arthur

T. S. Arthur, August Nemo

Casa editrice: Tacet Books

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T. S. Arthur had great importance in popularizing the temperance movement - which criticized the abusive consumption of alcohol and denounced its harmful effects on the individual and society. The author has had a lot of prestige in his time and reading it helps us to understand the historical context and the events that culminated, for example, in the Dry Law promulgated in 1919.We selected seven short stories that illustrate the style and values defended by this influential author.An Angel in DisguiseAmy's QuestionDressed for a PartyThe Two HusbandsThe Brilliant and the CommonplaceOther People's EyesThe Fatal Error
Disponibile da: 15/05/2020.

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