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Summary of Scott Galloway's Post Corona - cover

Summary of Scott Galloway's Post Corona

Swift Reads

Narratore Pete Ferrand

Casa editrice: Swift Books LLC

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Sample Insights: 
1) Time is not constant: it can fluctuate based on change. Even the slightest event or element could produce change that has not been witnessed before, including a microscopic virus. In March 2020, America entered a new stage with the arrival of the coronavirus. Life felt static despite time speeding up. 
2) The Covid-19 pandemic’s most lasting impact will be as an accelerant. It has accelerated trends that have been already witnessed in society. Many of these trends have been negative and thus compromise the possibility of optimism and opportunity within turmoil. They weaken society’s capacity to recover in a post-corona world.
Durata: 21 minuti (00:21:05)
Data di pubblicazione: 14/01/2021; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —