Call of the Maelstrom
Susan Stradiotto
Erzähler Kim Churchill
Verlag: Bronzewood Books
The heart and soul of her beloved country has been shattered. The devastation across Nantai deepens. Against all she wishes to believe, Mairynne is convinced her sister has fallen victim to the dragon terrorizing Nantai. And now, she must leave her father once again to beg her people to stand up for the country she loves. When Mairynne and her dragon fly north to recruit the people of the Iced Plains of Nantai, they find more cities in ruin, they meet the great beast of the north, and they must fight for their lives to pursue their cause. The Nantai people have grown bitter. Mairynne and her dragon must face their fury. Will she sway their views and convince them to help her take back the Serpentine Throne? The epic conclusion to the series flys the reader to the coldest reaches of Nantai, brings them home to the jewel city of Arashi, and weaves together all the castes the final fight for the future of Nantai. Through all this, can Mairynne find a way to heal a country’s heart and soul. . .or her own?
Dauer: etwa 8 Stunden (07:37:03) Veröffentlichungsdatum: 19.03.2024; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —