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The 25 Sales Skills - They Don't Teach at Business School - cover

The 25 Sales Skills - They Don't Teach at Business School

Stephan Schiffman

Narratore Stephan Schiffman

Casa editrice: Brilliance Audio

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Master the skills you can’t learn in a classroom 
You can break into today’s cutting-edge sales force—and become a leader. All it takes is learning Stephan Schiffman’s essential skills. Honed to perfection over decades of experience, his techniques will make you a top sales performer. 
From the man who’s trained more than a half-million salespeople, these are the secrets you won’t learn in any classroom. Now they’re yours for the taking and will put you on the fast track to career advancement. With Schiffman at your side, you can build a successful sales future for your company and yourself.
Durata: circa 2 ore (01:42:44)
Data di pubblicazione: 01/04/2014; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2014. Copyright Statment: —