A Learning Lifestyle Diary - A journal account of a home educating mom
Sonja Wood
Narrador Sonja Wood
Editora: Oikos Publishing (Pty) Ltd
A day to day account of the life of a home educating family. How a learning lifestyle occurs naturally in daily living as well as seeing to all the necessary practical needs of family. We hope this journal not only encourages you to relax and enjoy your learning lifestyle as a home educator but also that it prompts you to begin a journal of your own. "This is a personal daily journal of a month in the life of my family. So many families asked me: “How do you do it?” They wanted to know how much time I spent home educating (Homeschooling) my children. I replied: “As much time as I spend being a parent!” The best way that I could share how this is possible, was to write a daily journal of a month in my life." - Sonja Wood
Duração: aproximadamente 1 hora (01:00:12) Data de publicação: 31/07/2019; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —