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Sniper The - GOLF - cover

Sniper The - GOLF

Shashadhar Waigankar

Narratore Krutarth Trivedi

Casa editrice: Storytel Original IN

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There is a reason why the slogan 'Jai Jawaan Jai Kisaan' resonates across the country even today. However, there is also the covetous eye which would rather convert a lush green field into a golf green.
Anuja encounters the perpetrator of such a wicked scheme and is determined to not let him go scot free. But will she be able to match wits with such an elitist rogue, who is also a ruthless murderer?
Durata: circa un'ora (00:57:04)
Data di pubblicazione: 12/07/2020; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2020. Copyright Statment: —