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The Next Frontier - The Mission for Humans to Live in Space - cover

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The Next Frontier - The Mission for Humans to Live in Space


Erzähler Amy Shira Teitel, Emily Calandrelli, Maren Hunsberger, Julian Huguet, Matt Morales, Amanda Deisler, PhD Angel Abbud-Madrid, Lauren Ellis

Verlag: Audiogems by Findaway

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Since astronauts first ventured into space in the early 1960s, the human race has been thinking about the bigger picture: Could we ever live in space? Where would we plant our new roots?Explore the ways engineers, researchers and astrophysicists are pushing our scientific limits every day to get us closer to living on another planet.Learn about:	• NASA's future explorations to the Sun and Mars	• How long it takes to get to Mars	• How many people we would need to colonize another EarthAnd more!
Dauer: etwa eine Stunde (01:04:24)
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 16.03.2021; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2021. Copyright Statment: —