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Fear of Flying - cover

Fear of Flying

Sanjay Burman

Narrator Sanjay Burman

Publisher: Ascent Audio

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Flying is a top 10 fear universally. Especially now we have tighter security, more money and less services from airlines and schedules to meet. Whatever your reason for fear of flying is, it revolves around your mind racing to worst case scenarios that you have most likely never experienced or know anyone who has experiences it. Based on media reports, tv shows or stories, you have created a belief so strongly that you mind believes it is going to happen to you. By the time you get to your destination, and walk out of the airport, you don't even remember that you were afraid until the next time you are flying again. To relax, focus on the now rather that the what if, will allow you to enjoy the things you are missing from your flying experience that are positive and exciting! You paid the money for the ticket, why make it a bad experience when it could be great! Sanjay Burman is a Master Hypnotherapist. He has been featured on CBS News, INC Magazine, Playboy Radio, Canada AM, National Post.
Duration: 16 minutes (00:16:23)
Publishing date: 2014-11-01; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2014. Copyright Statment: —