Leadership Skills for Successful Managers - Proven Strategies for Motivating Teams and Achieving your Goals
Ron Lagrone
Narrator Ian Schettler
Publisher: Ron Lagrone
Leadership Skills for Successful Managers Proven Strategies for Motivating Teams and Achieving Success Ron Lagrone As a manager, you know it takes more than just delegating tasks to your team to succeed. It takes building trust, having open communication, and offering complete transparency. That's where this book comes in. Offering innovative concepts and practical tips, it will help you build strong relationships with your team, communicate effectively, and empower them through coaching and delegation. This practical guide focuses on helping leaders and managers like you overcome common challenges such as high turnover rates and low employee engagement through practical strategies and techniques developed from decades of experience. Discover everything you need to know to help your team succeed. Inside, you'll discover:How to unleash your leadership potentialThe secrets to building strong relationships with your team How to develop high-performance teamsHow to master the art of communication How to empower your team through coaching and delegation Ways to handle conflict and crises with confidence and ease All about becoming a change agent and leading your team And much more. Your time is valuable, but investing in your leadership skills is invaluable for achieving success in your career.
Duration: about 5 hours (05:05:51) Publishing date: 2023-07-20; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —