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The Hag - cover

The Hag

Robert Herrick

Narrateur LibriVox Community

Maison d'édition: LibriVox

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A poem for Halloween by the 17th century English author Robert Herrick.  His poems were not widely popular at the time they were published. His style was strongly influenced by Ben Jonson, by the classical Roman writers, and by the poems of the late Elizabethan era. This must have seemed quite old-fashioned to an audience whose tastes were tuned to the complexities of the metaphysical poets such as John Donne and Andrew Marvell. His works were rediscovered in the early nineteenth century, and have been regularly printed ever since. (Summary by Wikipedia)
Durée: 25 minutes (00:24:42)
Date de publication: 25/08/2014; Copyright Year: 1876. Copyright Statment: —