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Bricks that Build Us Book 4 - CommunityFamilyBeliefsLawsConflictAndSocio-Political Remedies - cover

Bricks that Build Us Book 4 - CommunityFamilyBeliefsLawsConflictAndSocio-Political Remedies

Rob Howat

Narratore Robin Howat

Casa editrice: Robin Howat

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A socio-psychological look at what has formed our society and suggestions of where it is going seriously wrong. Planned development, demonstrated self-discipline, calm discussion with clear beliefs and community traditions enable stability within a growing worldwide society. Stable family and educational experiences are the key to each child's happy and successful development. Neo-liberal lax and soft society is destroying stability as well as our future. Previous guides such as politeness, manners, quality, and uncorrupted religion are just as relevant when we venture beyond neglect and doctrinal corruption.
Durata: circa 7 ore (06:35:16)
Data di pubblicazione: 23/10/2024; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —