Emotional Intelligence - How to Master Social Skills Improve Your Relationships and Boost Your EQ
Philip Morra
Narrador Joss Fisher, Scott Sandler
Editora: Philip Morra
Emotional intelligence is a term or concept popularized by researchers in the 1990s. This concept differs from general intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions. People who possess this trait also have the ability to understand and influence the emotions and behavior of others. And with this understanding, some are able to enjoy greater success in life. Five elements define emotional intelligence. These components include:Self-awareness: Self-awareness is being conscious of your own feelings and motives. Emotionally intelligent people often demonstrate a high level of self-awareness. You know how your emotions affect yourself and others, and you don’t allow your emotions to control you.Self-regulation: People with the ability to self-regulate don’t make impulsive decisions. You pause and think about the consequences of an action before proceeding.Motivation_ People with emotional intelligence are productive and driven. You think about the big picture and assess how your actions will contribute to long-term success.Empathy: Emotionally intelligent people are less likely to be self-centered. Instead, you empathize with others and your situations. You tend to be a good listener, slow to judge, and understanding of the needs and wants of others. For this reason, an emotionally intelligent person is often seen as a loyal, compassionate friend.Social skills: It’s easier for you to collaborate and work in teams. You tend to be an excellent leader because of your strong communication skills and ability to manage relationships. Some people are born with the gift of emotional intelligence, but others have to learn it. Either way, the ability to know yourself and understand the emotions of others can have a positive impact on your relationships and help you succeed in every area of life.
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