Narrador NotWhoRoseThinks
Editora: Alternatepress Ltd
Directed Erotic Visualisation© is not an audio book, it is so much more. This unique experience puts you into the very heart of the story, allowing you to feel all the sensations for real.It is Spanksgiving and you need to learn an important lesson. Luckily, NotWhoRoseThinks is oh, so willing to teach it to you in this eSb Audio Erotica selection. What you need to learn, kitten, is Patience. He is very Dominant, commanding and demanding in his control of you, overwhelming you in such a very good way. Be prepared to have a sore bottom.
Duração: 19 minutos (00:19:12) Data de publicação: 16/01/2018; Unabridged; Copyright Year: 2017. Copyright Statment: —