At midnight we possess the damned
Nick Cato
Narrador Andrew Gibson
Editorial: Dead Sky Publishing
There are casual fans, and then there are genuine fanatics. Gary has been obsessed with the extreme side of cinema since he could remember, and has been on a quest to see every infamous film possible, the more shocking, the better. He has even tried his hand at making his own films, but tonight he will be part of an urban legend, the thing people like him fantasize about: tonight Gary is going to see an actual snuff film. But what he witnesses on a small screen at a secret location is only the beginning of a downward spiral where entertainment and fate collide...where Gary discovers there was a latent reason for his life long fascination with the dark side...
Duración: alrededor de 4 horas (03:55:58) Fecha de publicación: 14/01/2025; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —