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Rookie Mistakes - Advice from Top Executives on Five Critical Leadership Errors - cover

Rookie Mistakes - Advice from Top Executives on Five Critical Leadership Errors

Mike McHargue

Erzähler Mike McHargue, Steve Doud, Meg Forest

Verlag: Aloha Publishing

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Are Your Critical Leadership Errors Undermining Your Team and Organization? 
After working with more than 300 teams as a Principal Consultant for The Table Group, Mike McHargue recognized an emerging pattern. It became clear that, as many of those well-intentioned leaders made their way from managers to executives, they made significant leadership mistakes.  
For his work Rookie Mistakes: Advice from Top Executives on Five Critical Leadership Errors, McHargue interviewed hundreds of executives, 25 of whom were vulnerable enough to share their wisdom about errors that must be avoided both by the rookie leader and the seasoned executive. 
Rookie Mistakes focuses on the most damaging of those errors to leaders and teams. McHargue learned from his research that those errors fell into five clear categories: 
•Allowing confusion 
•Failing to connect with their team 
•Running truly awful meetings 
•Hiring too fast and firing too slow 
•Failing to give and receive feedback 
This book offers practical advice to help you become the leader you always imagined you would be.
Dauer: etwa 3 Stunden (02:46:49)
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 15.11.2018; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —