Peter's Christmas
M. L. Buchman
Narrador M. L. Buchman
Editorial: Buchman Bookworks, Inc.
“...kept me reading late into the night. PETER’S CHRISTMAS will please Nightstalker fans any day of the year.” -Fresh Fiction -a Night Stalkers White House romance- NAME: Kim-Ly Geneviève Beauchamp JOB: UNESCO World Heritage Chief of Unit for Southeast Asia MISSION: To protect a Cambodian temple NAME: Peter Matthews JOB: President of the United States of America MISSION: Stability in Southeast Asia They met at the United Nations, two people from different worlds. Peter Matthews, D.C. born and bred. Since the tragic death of his wife two years before, he ranks as the most eligible bachelor on the planet. Genny Beauchamp, a French-Vietnamese beauty, with an intelligence that dazzles Peter. Little do they know that both their hearts and their very lives will be at risk this Christmas season.
Duración: alrededor de 5 horas (04:58:11) Fecha de publicación: 07/11/2013; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —