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Human Action: Book Summary & Analysis - cover

Human Action: Book Summary & Analysis

Ludwig von Mises

Narratore David Sterling

Casa editrice: Loudly

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Book summary by Loudly, this is an abridged version of the original title.
Human Action is a landmark treatise on the principles of economics, exploring the foundation of human behavior in decision-making and market interaction. This comprehensive work delves into praxeology, the study of purposeful human action, and examines how individual choices shape economic systems. Through rigorous analysis, the book covers topics such as value, price, monetary theory, and economic policy, offering insights into the dynamics of free markets and the role of government intervention. It remains an essential resource for understanding the interconnectedness of human motives, freedom, and economic progress.
Durata: 17 minuti (00:16:44)
Data di pubblicazione: 07/01/2025; Abridged; Copyright Year: 2025. Copyright Statment: —