Lindsay Buroker
Narratore Vivienne Leheny
Casa editrice: Lindsay Buroker
Half-dwarven craftswoman, enchanter, and badass hammer-wielder Matti Puletasi has achieved most of her goals and even found the love of the handsome elf assassin Sarrlevi. Unfortunately, there’s still a bounty on her head. That makes it hard to return to a normal life, start a family, or even visit the Coffee Dragon without being shot at. Worse, one of Sarrlevi’s old elven lovers shows up, hinting of changes back home that mean his exile could be lifted and his nobility returned—if only he’ll dance to her tune. Matti knows Sarrlevi loves her but worries he’ll be tempted. A chance to return home and be a hero instead of an outcast. Who wouldn’t long for that?
Durata: circa 11 ore (11:15:28) Data di pubblicazione: 27/07/2023; Unabridged; Copyright Year: — Copyright Statment: —